Merchant can scan user's qr code by 2paynow's POS device, user can also scan qr code shown on POS.
Make an exhibition in Alipay and bring traffic to merchant.
Convenient and simple tax free system for merchant to do tax refund easily.
Produce eTicket and store it in alipay wallet or wechat mini app.
Build wechat eshop for merchant, so Chinese consumers can make a deal with them easily.
Manage and operate wechat public account for merchants, let them touch massive Chinese consumers.
Merchants can use 2paynow payment service by their currently used ECR or POS device.
2paynow support abundant mobile payment scenorios such as in wechat mini app.
Consumer can open merhcnat's H5 website by alipay or wechat and do payment by fingerprint or face.